wxEXPAND overrides alignment flags in box sizers

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wxEXPAND overrides alignment flags in box sizers

Post by lenb_99 »


When I start slgui, I get the following messages:

Code: Select all

[len@stargazer ~]$ slgui
slgui: our URL is osc.udp://stargazer:18871/
Changing our url to be : osc.udp://localhost:18871/
slgui: remote looper is at osc.udp://stargazer:9951/ version=1.7.3   loopcount=1  id=1699999482
  but treating the engine URL as osc.udp://localhost:9951/
../src/common/sizer.cpp(2288): assert "CheckSizerFlags(!((flags) & (wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_BOTTOM | wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL)))" failed in DoInsert(): wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_BOTTOM | wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL will be ignored in this sizer: wxEXPAND overrides alignment flags in box sizers


If you're an end user running a program not developed by you, please ignore this message, it is harmless, and please try reporting the problem to the program developers.

You may also set WXSUPPRESS_SIZER_FLAGS_CHECK environment variable to suppress all such checks when running this program.

If you're the developer, simply remove this flag from your code to avoid getting this message. You can also call wxSizerFlags::DisableConsistencyChecks() to globally disable all such checks, but this is strongly not recommended.
I am setting the WXSUPPRESS_SIZER_FLAGS_CHECK environment variable as a workaround for now:
This seems like maybe an issue related to those described in a couple of other recent posts ("Window auto-resizes and crops part of loop from bottom", "wxWidgets SetVirtualSizeHints Problem building on Arch").

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