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Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:37 pm
by gtodd876
Let's say I have SL sync'ed up with my host in 4/4 @ 60bpm. I hit record, on the downbeat, and record 2 measures worth of sound then hit record again. So as of right now I have 2 measures of just one layer looping over and over. So now at this point I hit overdub at the beginning downbeat, of the 2 measure cycle, overlay another layer and then hit overdub again to stop it. So I still have two measures but with two layers but now there is the smallest bit of gap in between beat 4 of measure two and the downbeat of measure 1. If I overdub another (3rd) layer this gap becomes more pronounced and even worse with the fourth overdub. Well worse if you are trying to preserve the flow of your loops. You might want that effect and I'm sure it could be great if used in the right way. But with that being said does anyone have any advice to help keep your sound flowing without the gap becoming more pronounced the more you overdub.

I tried raising the value of the 'xfade' if that would smooth it out but it seemed not have an effect. I also tried adding loops so I had 4 separate loops instead of using overdub to overlay my cycles and used 'next loop' to move between them..... but then I realized your midi bindings for record, overdub, multiply don't travel to the next loop when next loop is triggered. They still trigger the first loop. When my midi footcontroller (Roland FC-300) is in CC sending mode (Ableton Live will only deal with CC messages) I only have 12 pedal/cc messages to assign so its not feasible for me to assign all the 'record, overdubs, multiply, etc.' buttons to all different pedals for all the loops.

If anybody has any advice or can even understand what I'm trying to say. I would love to hear about it.


Re: Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:11 pm
by jesse
I haven't seen or heard reports before about the behavior you are describing with regards to overdubbing. I will try to check it out, but the overdub operation never changes the loop length, so it must be introducing some silence where it shouldn't. Is this a total silent gap, or a glitch? Does it happen if you end the overdub sooner (more towards the middle of the loop)? What are your sync settings (all the controls at the top, plus the loop-specific settings)? These are critical if someone else is to reproduce it.

With regards to your midi bindings, if you want your bindings to apply to the currently selected loop, you need to make sure they are set to use the Selected Loop, and not a specific loop #. You can change this in the Preferences->Midi Bindings tab. By default, bindings created with the learn menu item from the buttons only apply to the specific loop, you will need to modify each binding in the preferences to choose Selected loop from the dropdown there.

Re: Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:31 am
by gtodd876
Thanks Jesse for the tip about bindings being with he selected loop. The answer was right in front of my face.

About the overdub issue I'm going to recreate the experience, jot all my settings and a play by play of when I hit my footpedals and record the output of SL into another audio track in live. I'll post my details up with an mp3 so you can hear what I'm talking about. Where would be the best/easiest place to upload the mp3 file so I can provide a link in this thread?

I also sent you a private message about donations. Let me know if its possible to mail a check.


Re: Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:30 am
by gtodd876
Ok here goes nothing.

In Ableton:

Tempo set 52 bpm, SL plug-in thrown on audio track, added midi track, set output to SL, set monitoring on 'in' for both channels

sync to - Jack/Host
8ths/Cycle - 8
quantize - cycle
mute quant, odub quant - unchecked
auto 8ths - checked
round, rel sync - unchecked
xfade - 64
sync, play sync, p. feedback - checked
t. strech - unchecked

Using just one loop:

I'm listening to the click and the audio output in Ableton on my headphones. My cycle length of the first loop I record is 2 bars of 4/4. I let that play through then on the next downbeat I hit overdub, overlay 2 bars of 4/4 and then hit overdub again. For my overdub I'm playing on measure 1 beats 3 & 4 and measure 2 beats 3 & 4. Beats 1 and 2 are rests in both measures so now I'm wondering if its because I'm starting the overdub on the downbeat but not playing till beat 3? In the mp3 you can start to hear silence before it reloops at around 47-48 secs. Its the worst on my 2nd and 3rd overdubs. Here is the link to the mp3 file: ... ubtest.mp3

Let me know if the link to the mp3 files works or not. I've never tried this before. Als o let me know if I can provide anymore info about the settings or performance.

Thank you,

Re: Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:00 pm
by jesse
It sounds as if you might have finished the overdub while your instrument was still sounding/ringing? If you can it's always a good idea to let an overdub go a little while longer before finishing to avoid chops... it's one of the operations where timing doesn't matter much. The xfade only gets rid of clicks, it's not going to prevent unmusical tail dropouts.

If this doesn't make sense, maybe you could provide a timeline for that MP3 (in terms of min:sec position when you did the operations).

Re: Using Overdub, after Record

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:37 am
by Coop4Music
hum. Try setting the quantize function to 'loop'. I believe this will quantize all your recordings and overdubs to 1/8 in time with eachother... I think lol. That is what has been working for me, and I haven't noticed any tails on my loops :D