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SL with pedalboard (osx, logic)

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:04 pm
by philomell
So I've hooked up my pedalboard (mp128 midibuddy) to use it with SL. The midi output is getting into Logic; I see the program change messages on the arrange window and in the 'clicks and ports' view. But SL doesn't see them.

I can get around this by running MidiPipe - I just have a pipe that goes from Midi In straight to SooperLooperAU_in. Then, everything works great: Midi Learn sees the PC messages and the pedals do what they should.

So, it's not a problem exactly, since I have a pretty easy workaround. I'm wondering why this should be, though - are PC messages special in some way? I don't see where they could be getting lost, since note and CC messages get through to SL with no need for MidiPipe.


Re: SL with pedalboard (osx, logic)

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:23 am
by jesse
Sometimes certain hosts decide to filter or otherwise decide that a plugin shouldn't get certain types of events, or it will munge the event to be always be on a certain channel. This annoys me :) I wouldn't be surprised if Apple did this and hijacked PC messages. There is probably something about this somewhere on the net.....

Re: SL with pedalboard (osx, logic)

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:45 pm
by FearlessFreep
I just have a pipe that goes from Midi In straight to SooperLooperAU_in.
I didn't think of that. I'm using MIDI PatchBay for the same thing but MidiPipe for something else..hmmm...

Re: SL with pedalboard (osx, logic)

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:49 pm
by grec
I'm running SL with Jackd on a Ubuntu machine, and am having a simular problem. Pedalboard is an old ART X-11, and I am using an M-Audio keyboard to troubleshoot. SL will learn note and CC messages, but is ignoring PC messages from both MIDI controllers?

Are there any good apps for Jackd to monitor midi messages?


Re: SL with pedalboard (osx, logic)

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:07 pm
by ghostly
This is an oldish topic so not sure if the problem still exists but I just realised that you need to "arm" the software instrument track for SL in Logic for Logic to divert the midi into SL. Otherwise Logic will see the messages ok but SL will not react at all.