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SL with Mbox?

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:29 am
by gabel
Has anyone set this up with an Mbox? I am at a loss as how to begin. I want to be able to loop for live performances using SL as I would an echoplex, I don't need to run any other software as I want all my sound to come from pedals and other sources. Can I use the Mbox with SL without running PT or do i need to get a separate mixer? Ultimately the sound needs to get to two different Amplifiers, therefore just needing two outputs.

Would appreciate any advice at all. Jesse, really appreciate you making this - amazing if I can figure out how to use it.

Re: SL with Mbox?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 4:32 pm
by JeffHendricks
When you say "using it with an Mbox" I'm assuming you're talking about hardware... if your computer sees it as a sound device, then it should work with SooperLooper. Are you running it on a Mac, or on Linux?