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selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:05 am
by fundamental
If I set up more than 2 loopers in a session, and assign a control in mainstage to the selected_loop_number binding it will crash Mainstage every time when switching to layout from edit mode. Then, if I was unfortunate enough to have saved it, which I found out after having constructed a wicked UI, it won't load the session any more and just crashes Mainstage on startup.

It makes it pretty hard to use then if I can't visually have an indication of which looper I am working with, and I like to use at least 4, if not 8.

This is in Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with 10 gigs of ram, not a little machine.

Any suggestions would be awesome

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:15 pm
by jesse
Unfortunately I don't have Logic/Mainstage and they don't provide a demo version. When you say "looper", are you referring to loops instances within a single SL plugin, I assume? The problem only occurs when you have more than one? What version of SL are you using?

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:09 am
by fundamental
yes loop instances within a single plugin. V 1.6.14. Anything more than one will crash MS every time when doing the edit/layout switching, and in general it seems pretty fragile.

Not sure how to debug it without a version of MS unfortunately, but it appears that MS drops the plugins from memory when switching modes as the CPU usage goes to nil When it tries to reload them, it just barfs. I tried MS in 64-bit and it doesn't crash then, just takes a second to load back up. It's consistent when I use that particular binding for some reason. Unfortunately no audio in 64-bit mode or I would have moved on happily.

Be great to see if anyone else has seen this though to verify at least.

thanks for the reply


Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:38 am
by jesse
Just checking, but are you running the unreleased (but posted here) ... -aufix.dmg ? It probably doesn't address this problem, but since it was a fix related to the AU, you definitely should be.

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:33 am
by fundamental
Yeah that's the one I am using. I was hoping to use MS cause of the UI and ease of use, but I may look at another host like bidule or something and see if that works.

Ahem, unless of course you're planning on going 64-bit?

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:32 pm
by fundamental
I've continued to fiddle with this, and I have found a solution which seems to work, but it involves a bit of coddling with SL and MS. I have a great 8 stereo loop setup now that I am building out and testing for stability. I'll post a screenshot of the concert when I am through with it, but I can have all the loops running and monitor which one I am working on, levels in-out and where the loops are in their cycles through the MS interface. Very very very cool.

That said, to keep SL from crashing MS I have to make sure I have the GUI of SL completely closed with the engine running and make sure that nothing is being sent to it from the MS Sends. It seems that this way MS doesn't try to query SL for any information, and allows the MS UI to go about it's business.

It's a bit of a pain, cause I have to remember not to save the concert with any thing running to SL, or it will never open again without crashing MS and I'd lose all my work, but there you have it.

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:37 pm
by jesse
Wow, that sounds crazy. In a few weeks time I will have access to Logic/Mainstage and can test this kind of behavior first-hand. If you can please post the MS session sometime.

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:44 pm
by fundamental
Maybe a little crazy, but the results are soooooooo worth it. I am still working on the functionality and rehearsing. I'll post a session file when I get closer to having it done, and I'll save it out so you can load it without having my other plugins

Psyched you're getting MS/Logic. I am sure it's something super obvious. Getting SL using separate outs - nirvana.

Re: selected_loop_number crashes Mainstage

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 12:18 pm
by fundamental
Hey Jesse

Did you ever get a copy of Mainstage to work with?