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Network setting clashing with SL

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:00 pm
by taphead
Hey there!

As per the topic, I just ran headfirst into the problem with SooperLooper and clashing network settings; in my case (I think?) due to setting up a bluetooth dial-up while at a recording retreat. So, yeah, that was a bit problematic. :P

Anyhoo. I've been trying various workarounds, but it seems this thing is seriously stuck. I can get everything running nicely with Jack, but as an AU plugin inside Ableton Live (8.0.9) I'm out of luck. Any specific suggestions on how to shake things up?

(Regardless of the outcome here, I'd like to thank you for an absolutely incredible program. If I had a cake, I'd send it to you.)

(ETA: OS X 10.6.2, SL 1.6.14)

Re: Network setting clashing with SL

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:56 pm
by taphead
Some additional debugging:

I've tried uninstalling the app (+ deleting the preference file for SL) and removing the AU component (+ deleting the settings file for Live), but after a clean reinstall the same settings still pop up. Where are the path for the MIDI bindings and other settings stored? I could give removing that file a shot.

Re: Network setting clashing with SL

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:32 am
by taphead
And s'more:

Deleted the directory ~/.sooperlooper and all the configuration files inside it, but still no go. Furthermore, even Jack can't connect to SL anymore. Yikes.

Re: Network setting clashing with SL

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:30 pm
by jesse
Wow, yikes is right. Can you run Console (Applications->Utilities->Console) and watch the console.log when you try to start up SL. Paste that back here (or email).

Re: Network setting clashing with SL

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:46 pm
by taphead
Hey Jesse!

When I try to get insert SL into a channel in Live, Console doesn't give me any errors. SL tells me it's lost connection to the engine.

(I do get this in Console, but I don't think this is an SL issue?)

Code: Select all

4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowResponder is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowDelegate is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowResponder is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowDelegate is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowResponder is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
4/13/10 1:40:03 AM	[0x0-0xc40c4][1335]	objc[1335]: Class OAuCocoaWindowDelegate is implemented in both /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ and /Applications/Live 8.0.9 OS X/ Live Engine.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Ableton Live Engine. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
When starting SL with Jack running, Console coughs up this:

Code: Select all

4/13/10 1:44:59 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	slgui: our URL is osc.udp://movement:19106/
4/13/10 1:44:59 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	execing: '/Applications/ -q -U osc.udp://movement:19106/ -p 9951 -l 1 -c 2 -t 40 -m "/Users/ripa/.sooperlooper/default_midi.slb"'
4/13/10 1:44:59 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	slgui: spawned new engine
4/13/10 1:45:00 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	OSC error 8: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
4/13/10 1:45:00 AM	MIDIServer[1354]	MIDIServer [1354] starting; arch=i386
4/13/10 1:45:08 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	slgui: remote looper is at osc.udp://movement:9951/ version=1.6.14   loopcount=1  id=1271112300
4/13/10 1:45:08 AM	[0x0-0xc90c9].net.essej.slgui[1352]	  but treating the engine URL as osc.udp://movement:9951/
Hope that helps...