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Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:59 pm
by mfrs
I am trying to set feedback via a TouchOSC fader being routed through Osculator. Can anyone help me? I cannot seem to make a fader route to any of the 'set' values (like input_gain, wet etc . . )
Here is of what I have tried:

The args received from the fader in TouchOSC are a float between 0-1.0
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 12:31 am
by rseymour
I'm very interested in this to.

I have had some success with a processing script someone wrote, but perhaps a native touchOSC interface (ie one that is edited in the touchOSC editor) could send/receive the right named commands to sooperlooper.

I will look into it when I have the proverbial time!

thanks again jesse.


Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:17 pm
by misteralan
Hi fellow OSCers
I have been poking around trying to get SL to work with TouchOSC....
I have basic functions happening, but I am also stuck with the set float values...
Has anybody found anything new out yet??
I have not been able to figure out the OSC message formatting differences with TouchOSC and SL yet..
An OSC sniffer for OSX would be helpful I think,

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:17 pm
by mfrs
Hi misteralan & rseymour,
I did end up getting floating values working. Strangely I was able to get it working using one of the options of that I posted above (the second screenshot).
I am still using Osculator and am routing like this: /fader1 -> localhost, 10051, "feedback", <all args>
I can't think of anything I changed from my first post to when it started it working. It was a late night session and I knew that a fader sends a float so I kept trying to just pass it along and then it started working. I must have had an i.p. address or other setting out of wack.
And now it works well (as well as TouchOSC works anyhow).

I hope that is of some help.

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:45 am
by misteralan
Hi mfrs and rseymour,
thanks for your reply mfrs... Camille also straightened me out in this.
Now I am checking out parameter updates back through Osculator to Touch OSC... I sort of got it working but it's pretty Janky!
SL Rocks!

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:35 pm
by misteralan
Hi fellow OSCer(singular) that's an attempt @ some humor!

I have made progress in my parameter updates over OSC from SL to Osculator!
check out the posts from February 26 to current if interested:

is there a way to get a blinking SL argument such as Record to send that blinking out SL in OSC?
If so how?
I really hope this is/can be possible as I am hot on the trail of getting TouchOSC and SL with the translation help of OSCUlator giving me ESSENTIAL Parameter feedback on my IpodTouch!
Thanks for a really killer creative tool!

p.s. ThumbJam is really happenning too... turned me on to SCALA and I learned my new favorite scale the Mixolydian pentatonic...
SooperLooper, ThumbJam have the power to change the way music can be created.... for especially non-keyboard players...

as keyboardists have had the huge benefit of LOOP-Based and random access recording with MIDI sequencing for years!

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:18 pm
by jesse
The SL GUI is completely controlled via OSC, so everything it does, you should also be able to do once you know what to look for.

The key here is the 'waiting' parameter, if that is non-zero then it means it should be flashing. And you know which command should be flashing by reading/watching the 'next_state' parameter, which has the same values as 'state' does.

It doesn't send out flash events, the GUI has to do the flashing (or some other indication) itself.

Re: Osculator, set feedback, TouchOSC

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:14 pm
by marcell
mfrs wrote:The args received from the fader in TouchOSC are a float between 0-1.0
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i have no experience with TouchOSC but long time ago when i was playing with osc and sooperlooper i used osc message like this:
/sl/0/set wet 0.54

and it worked 'wet' is string and 0.54 floating number.

i remember that getting/setting velocity with the smooth and right positioning of the slider in slgui was not the easiest task... i needed to look at the sooperlooper code... it's probably because dealing with volume up/down in decibels is not linear (as usually slider movement is).. for example:

in python i ended up with these two formulas:

Code: Select all

velocityget = (((6.0 * math.log(velocity)/math.log(2.)+198)/198.)**8) * 32
## 32 is just here coz i had 32 discret units to show the velocity in my frontend

Code: Select all

velocityset = 2.** ((math.sqrt(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(value)))*198.-198)/6.)
## value was floating number in between 0-1

if you want you can try to grock it at: ... 4d001509bf ... 4d001509bf