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Load a loop without playing immediately?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:17 pm
by FearlessFreep
Is there a way to load a loop and not have it trigger immediately?

I want to pre-record a loop and save it and then be able to load it but then trigger it from my command. Right now it seems that the loop will start playing as soon as it is loaded and there are some timing issues with doing that in a live performance

Re: Load a loop without playing immediately?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:58 pm
by FearlessFreep
OK, I figured out I can do this by clicking "mute", loading the file, and then clicking "trig".

Yes, the file still plays immediately, but the 'mute' holds and then 'trig' restarts the loop from the start (turning of 'mute')

So not quite the same feature, but the same result

Re: Load a loop without playing immediately?

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:58 pm
by jesse
In version 1.6.13 loading a loop should now start with the state paused (and does for me here) after you load a loop (or a session). What version are you using?

But yes, your solution was the workaround before the new feature I added above.

Re: Load a loop without playing immediately?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:24 pm
by FearlessFreep
I'm using 1.6.13. I was using 1.6.11 when I first posted but then I saw your upgrade notes and thought "hey, that'll be cool" so I upgraded last night and I'm trying it again but it's still doing the same thing, it plays as soon as I load

Re: Load a loop without playing immediately?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:42 pm
by FearlessFreep
OK, disregard.

On a hunch I deleted from my Applications folder and reopened the dmg to copy it (the app) to applications and *also* made sure to copy the AU component to ~/Library...etc..etc.. which I had not done before, and now it's working fine. Thanks as this is a very useful feature for me.

I do solo bass live using loops and there are a few jazz covers I like to do where the bass line I want covers the whole form. For these I don't like to lay down that loop live so I usually pre-record the loop a few days before the show and just like to trigger it and then build on that. (at least, thats how I've been doing it with a Digitech JamMan recently...I'm trying to replace all my outboard gear with Mainstage/SooperLooper and a firewire interface). So being able to call up a pre-record loop and then kick it off on demand is very useful (actually I have a feature request about that but...I'll post that elsewhere)