AU LAb says Audio Input Not Supported?...Huh

Using SL with Apple's AULab

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AU LAb says Audio Input Not Supported?...Huh

Post by Stavros »

Anybody got any idea why Im getting this message from AU LAb.
I cant create an audio input channel.
But I can create instruments input etc.
Otherwise it works just fine.
Ive just downloaded version 2.01 running osx version 10.5.7
Ive used AU LAb vers1 so Im familiar with it but this is strange.

Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:12 pm

Re: AU LAb says Audio Input Not Supported?...Huh

Post by Stavros »

Just found the answer to my Query....this should have been more obvious since ITS ESSENTIAL!...but here it is.
AU LAb does not recognise the internal audio hardware on the intel macs. Techn ically it wants to see a 2 way stream and the device only provides a one way stream.
For AU LAb to recognise the internal Audio inputs on the intel must open the Audio/Midi setup app
and create and AGGREgate device through which to route the audio. This aggregate device will show up as an input.

Open the Audio/Midi setup app in the utilities folder(in Apps)
Under the Audio menu select.."open aggregate device editor"
Click the plus sign to create an aggregate device and click the boxes bleow to route the mic inputs and outputs.
The device will then show up in AU Lab and bobs your uncle
Heres a screen grab of the aggregate device editor window
Heres a screen grab of the aggregate device editor window
Picture 14.png (108.41 KiB) Viewed 28069 times
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