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Help with Mute

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:31 pm
by theoceanfrog
I am currently using a Behringer UMA25S for midi bindings.

If I set bind one of the buttons below the knobs or even the sustain pedal to mute a loop, the channel permanently mutes and cannot be unmuted even if i use another command - like a different binding OR selecting the loop and typing "m".

It does toggle correctly if I bind it to one of the UMA's keys (like middle-C) or even the pitch wheel.

Any thoughts on why this might not be toggling with the buttons or sustain pedal?

Thanks for any advice you may have.

Re: Help with Mute

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:18 am
by kasbah
Could you give details on what midi messages the buttons below the knob is sending and what your SL binding is exactly?