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MIDI Clock Drift- Wowch!

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:03 am
by wayneal
Well, if it's in the settings-I can't find it. :shock:

syncto: MIDIClock
quantize: tested all settings
loops are set to sync and play sync
auto 8ths and rel quant are checked

SL finds clock time, starts and pauses on command-all good, but the recorded loops get offset incrementally every cycle of any loop pass. After 2 hours in rehearsal my drummer freeked out and said "the program is useless for our needs!" I assured him that's it must be in the after a thorough test with a simple SR-16, MOTU Fastlane and guitar...MIDIClock drifts!

What I want to do for my setup is to slave SL to my drummers' MIDI Clock and loop bass, rhythm and mel parts, tweek away and wipe loops out then start again on the fly. The tempo will change over time and SL would comply and lock. Even a 2 bar phrase drifts out. When going from recording to overdubbing, four part harmonies are slightly staggered by the 4th pass! Straight eighth notes become swing feel with the changing offset over time. Wowch!

Any known work arounds? :!:

Also, is there a way to define out points? I always have to manually take things out of record with MIDI Clock syncto , because SL is not finding an out sync point.

Thanks and I hope there is a resolution to this, because I really dig the program and I don't want to have to get into an RC-50.....


Re: MIDI Clock Drift- Wowch!

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:34 am
by jesse
Hmm, first of all, SL is not going to change your recorded loop length if your tempo changes (or if it wasn't really locked precisely)... it only retriggers it if play sync is on. I haven't personally tested syncing from an external (hw midi) clock source in a while... I may have some time to look into it more deeply early in the week. Does the displayed tempo fluctuate much in the SL display?

As for setting an out point, the feature doesn't exist.... you have to manually tell SL when/before you want it to do it. There is no "record for N beats" function yet.

One thing to possibly check as a workaround, is the latency compensation settings. Try disabling them (set both input and output to 0) and see if anything helps. Its a long shot, but if it was bug, that could be a source for error.

Sorry for the trouble! Most of the midi sync stuff was tested with software hosts like Ableton, and not real on-the-wire midi input.

Re: MIDI Clock Drift- Wowch!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:14 pm
by jackless1
I have tested syncing sooperlooper to an echoplex or 2880 and made it work.Set sync to to midi clock.8th/cycle depends on what your syncing to and set quantize to cycle.If you do it like this you will let sooperlooper create the loop length ifyou set all your loops to sync and play/sync.The length of the sooperlooper loop will be an equal fraction of the masters loop lenth and sooper looper will play each loop at the begining of of the masters loop length(depending on where it is ex.If sooperloopers loop is a fourth the length of the master loop it will start on the fourths).I click round also.Not sure if you have to.i dont fully understand auto 8th so i dont click that.You cant use rel sync with this method.Every thing else does its obvious stuff.I havent tested A loop for more than 20-25 minutes straight.So unless your play some Steve Reich music you'll be alright.