Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

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Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by gbevin »


I have SooperLooper set up almost exactly as I want as an AudioUnit, sadly it seems that it triggers bug that I can't seem to work around.

I have two loops, the first one is the 'main loop' and set the record based on an audio level threshold. Once that loop is recorded, it should determine the quantize point of the second loop, so I have 'quantize' set to 'cycle' and 'sync to' to 'Loop 1'. For the second loop, I have 'sync' and 'play sync' checked and it behaves fine.

However, when I set 'quantize' to 'cycle' before recording the first loop, it alternates between a mono version of the loop (only output channel 1) and a stereo version on each playback cycle. It's only when I turn off 'quantize' when recording the first loop and switch it to 'cycle' afterwards, that everything behaves correctly.

That's a bug, right? Any chance to get it fixed soon?


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Re: Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by kasbah »

I recently experienced some strange alternating channel playback similar to what you are describing as well. Though I always have quantize set to Cycle and Cycle to Loop1 initially it seemed to have something to do with whether the track had been muted or not. I will try to track down these issues further but I can't really promise a quick fix on this.
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Re: Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by jesse »

This kind of thing has been a long-term and hard to track down bug for a while. By narrowing it down to certain reproducible conditions, it might be possible to track it down. It won't be an easy fix Kasbah!
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Re: Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by magnetophon »

I can confirm this bug still exists in the latest git version. (downloaded Jan 16 2014).

When the first loop is recorded with quantise at off or 8ths, all is well.
If quantise is at loop or cycle, I get the alternating mon/stereo thing.

As it seems this bug is hard to fix; are there any other workarounds being used?
Maybe something that doesn't requre manual intervention mayve?

I also get this behaviour sometimes with other loops than nr 1, but I haven't figured out yet under what conditions.
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Re: Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by lenb_99 »

I have been experiencing this issue as well. As a workaround, I have an expression pedal set to CC 16 (General Purpose controller), but it only sends values 0 - 3 (four values) instead of 0 - 127 (128 values). I have Sooperlooper MIDI Bindings set up so that CC 16 maps to the 'quantize' command. The values 0, 1, 2, 3 step through the possible settings for quantize of 'off', 'cycle', 'eighth', 'loop'. That way, I can start recording Loop 1 with quantize turned off, then toggle it on with the expression pedal before recording subsequent loops. (Thanks to the original poster who pointed this out.)

Last edited by lenb_99 on Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quantize cycle alternates loop 1 between mono and stereo

Post by lenb_99 »

Note that the workaround I posted earlier only works if 'Loop #' under 'Command/Control' (in Preferences > MIDI Bindings) is set to 'All'. I thought 'Global' should work, since 'quantize' is a global setting, but it doesn't.

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