Adding Pops and clicks to recording issue

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Adding Pops and clicks to recording issue

Post by gregsinibaldi »

I'm trying to figure out why this is happening. (please see this vid) ... sp=sharing

When using my KORG nanoKontrol these pops and clicks get added to what ever I record into SL. It occurs with pitch shifting as well. Its also not consistent, meaning it doesn't happen all the time.

Ive recently started running SL inside Reaper rather than using the standalone with the Jack client. I didnt have this issue when running the stand alone. Is this a RAM/SPU issue? A midi issue?

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Re: Adding Pops and clicks to recording issue

Post by jesse »

That's crazy! I've never seen anything like that happen before! Are those in the actual recorded loop playback in SL? Can you do a bounce to a WAV file and post a link to it so i can analyze it in an audio editor?
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Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:18 am

Re: Adding Pops and clicks to recording issue

Post by gregsinibaldi »

Yeah it is crazy! I didnt export the audio files from SL to see if they were present but will next time it happens. Like I said its inconsistent. I played it a bunch today and couldn't duplicate the behavior. I'll post when I have it.

Thanks so much Jesse!
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